
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Films Fraud - Christopher Mallick of Oxymoron Entertainment Inc.

Film Fraud at Oxymoron EntertainmentChristopher Mallick CEO Background includes lawsuits
of Securities FraudFraudulent Misrepresentation and even Civil Harassment Charges.

Oxymoron Entertainment is basically the company Epassporte.

Same people with the same person controlling.  That controller is Christopher Mallick.
So much money missing, so many questions unanswered.

Our advice?  Placing ANY Investment in them is RISKY.

Enjoy our Christopher Mallick Film below.

Because You deserve to know the truth.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Oxymoron-Entertainment Fraud Film Scandal - Christopher-Mallick Movies

Oxymoron Entertainment CEO Fraud? - Christopher Mallick Film.

A Con Man?.. with a background of Securities Fraud., Civil Harassment, Contract Fraud and more. Stretching from New York to Texas and even California.  The Oxymoron Entertainment - Epassporte Scam.

An ambitious Con Artist is just a Con Artist with Ambitions.
Enjoy This Christopher Mallick Movie my Friends.

Oxymoron Entertainment is Epassporte.

The Epassporte Minister of Disinformation, scamming thousands?

A photo of Christopher Mallick.  The Oxymoron Entertainment Con Man?

Christopher "Chris" Mallick, the number one movie mogul and boss of Billy Sorrentino (William James Sorrentino Jr. of Prime Financial Group of Florida.)

Billy does NOT want to go back to the depressed Florida Real Estate Market.
Who would?