John Christopher Mallick News.
The MSRI Runoff LLC, ePassporte / Oxymoron Entertainment / Endeavour Orbiter Productons CEO Fraud Cases.
A Christopher Mallick video. The latest news on Christopher Mallick vs Gregory Elias.
Chris Mallick Screws Gregory Elias of United I. Bank and United Trust, out of $12 Million.
A Royal Fu#king!
Christopher Mallick Biography by christopher-mallick
In addition to the Gregory Elias Lawsuit, and the Current Lawsuit against Mallick in Los Angeles Court, Plaintiff's Attorneys in a previous ePassporte Lawsuit stated the following about Christopher Mallick and his attorney's from Abrams Garfinkel Margolis Bergson (AGMB Law), a questionable law firm whose lawyers appeared to profit from "Chris Mallick's Epassporte Scam" -
( Zahavi & Associates, in conjunction with Highly Reputable Los Angeles based attorney's Murphy Rosen / Paul Murphy)
1. "We have received information that shows that Mr Christopher Mallick has stolen a large amount from the account holders of Epassporte, ranging between
USD $ 20 million to as much as USD $ 60 million.".
2. "Mr Mallick has confirmed many times (in Court and out of Court)
that payment would be made. Each time, Mr Chrisopher Mallick has breached his word. Mr Mallick also breached agreements that were entered into with the Court..."
3. "The Court in Los Angeles had ordered Mr Christopher Mallick by verdict of 23
January 2012 to pay the amount of USD $ 5,335,195.40 (see attachment). (the amount from those who were able to join the lawsuit in time)
4. " Instead of paying the account holders, Mr Mallick has sued YOU as
account holder of Epassporte with the Court in Los Angeles on false grounds.
5. "new court proceedings against Mr Christopher Mallick
have taken place with the Court in Los Angeles. Mr Mallick lost this case
again. So far, Christopher Mallick has lost all court proceedings." (including the case where he attempted to "countersue" his customer-victims)