
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Billy Sorrentino Drops Oxymoron Entertainment (epassporte)

Sorrentino Hits the Road.  Billy says Goodbye Oxymoron Entertainment Fraud - ePassporte.

Source: Oxymoron News Blog Canada

"..Billy S. states “I don't think I’ve ever been more excited for a year to end…” apparently emphasizing that he is finally away from Christopher Mallick and Oxymoron Entertainment and starting a “…new job”.  
Oxymoron Entertainment Promotional accounts under his name have slowly begun to disappear from the internet."

Mr. Michael Olsen, a former employee of Christopher Mallick and a Senior Manager stated:

"I hope (Christopher Mallick) and his friends get what they deserve, now months (try 2 years) later I still have people contacting me asking about their money and where it is. Christopher Mallick is a crook and anyone still associating themselves with him or working for any of the companies (he is) involved with ... is as big a crook."

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